NEPAD Nigeria in its effort to facilitate the Climate Smart Agriculture Programme (CSA) conducted series of workshops and one-to-one consultations on CSA and the training of women fish farmers in climate resilient post-harvest Aquaculture involving 1,200 beneficiaries. Questionnaires were designed, survey conducted, data collected and analysed which involved 2,752 women in 7 States [Enugu (702); Niger (721); Benue (360); Adamawa (412); Taraba (553)]. In the same vein, there was the development of a draft regional strategy on Gender and Climate Change for Enugu, Niger and Benue States and other 4 states.


The above activities resulted into the following:

  1. Women received training on CSA, climate resilience, environmental protection and mitigation measures;
  2. 11 Women received training on Aqua-culture;
  3. 400 Applications for aquaculture equipment grants were processed;
  4. 150 Policy Makers and Stake holders sensitized on CSA;
  5. Women applied and received for fish post-harvest equipment and Aqua-culture equipment;
  6. Women were interviewed in relation to Gender and Climate Change Strategy; and
  7. Draft Gender and Climate Change Strategy formulated.


The programme was aimed at:

  1. Building capacity of rural women farmers to adapt to climate change and understand how to mitigate the effect of climate change;
  2. Achieving through workshops and training programmes for women farmers, bringing to the public knowledge relevant information on climate change, including its causes and impacts on agricultural activities. It is to further educate the rural populace on various climate change adaptation strategies; and
  3. Developing a strategic response through developing the draft Gender and Climate Change Strategy which will yield improved advocacy and sensitization of key stakeholders and policy makers.

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