NEPAD Heads of State and Government Implementation Committee (HOSGIC) recommended that for effective political backing, NEPAD Country Offices should be located directly under the Presidency. Thus, NEPAD Nigeria is headed by the National Coordinator/Chief Executive Officer (NC/CEO)The Office is structured into four (4) Departments and five (5) Units as follows:

(A)    Departments

  1. Administration and Finance;
  2. Planning, Research and Statistics;
  3. Programme, Development and Implementation; and
  4. APRM/Governance.

(B)      Units

  1. Media/Information;
  2. Internal Audit;
  3. Legal;
  4. Procurement; and
  5. Servicom.

Each of the Departments is headed by a Director who reports directly to the National Coordinator/Chief Executive Officer.  Also, the Unit Heads report to the National Coordinator/Chief Executive Officer on issues that concern them.


The NEPAD Programme Clusters currently being implemented by NEPAD Nigeria are:

  1. Governance, Peace and Security and Humanitarian Preparedness, including subthemes on democracy and human rights;
  2. Agriculture and food security with sub themes on agro-processing, agro-
  3. businesses and value addition, market access, natural resource management and climate change
  4. Industrialization and inclusive economic development with sub-themes focusing on regional integration, development in industrial, mining and oil sectors, trade and investment, domestic resource mobilization, private sector;
  5. Infrastructure development with a particular focus on sub-themes on transport, Information and Communications Technology and energy, water; and
  6. Development of Human capacities, focusing on education, research and innovation, population and health, gender, youth and employment, culture and sport, tourism.

NEPAD is therefore the African’s response to the Millennium Development Goals now Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).  In other words, it is the Africa framework to achieve the MDGs (now SDGs) in the African continent.


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